Lonely Dog Found at Airport with a Sad Note from the Person Who Left Them

A tiny Chihuahua named Chewy was discovered in a Las Vegas airport bathroom, left behind by his owner. The reason for this heart-wrenching decision was revealed in a handwritten note found next to the 3-month-old pup.

Chewy’s owner had to flee an abusive relationship and couldn’t afford to bring him along on her escape. She also couldn’t leave him with her ex, who had been cruel to both her and Chewy. The note detailed how the ex-boyfriend had once kicked Chewy so hard that he needed medical attention.

The note read: “Hi! I’m Chewy. My owner was in an unhealthy relationship and couldn’t afford to pay for my plane ticket. She didn’t want to leave me with her whole heart, but she didn’t have a choice. When we were arguing, my ex-boyfriend kicked my  dog, and he now has a large knot on his head. He’ll most likely require the services of a veterinarian. I adore Chewy, and I beg you to cherish and care for him.”

A man who noticed Chewy alone in the washroom contacted Connor and Millie’s Dog Rescue to help the little pup. The rescue organization was more than willing to provide Chewy with the care he desperately needed.

Linda Gilliam, president and founder of the rescue organization, was deeply moved by Chewy’s story. “My heart plummeted to my knees. I accepted him without hesitation and told my foster to bring him to an ER right away,” she told The Dodo.

Chewy is now recovering and getting better every day. However, it’s still heartbreaking that he had to be separated from his loving owner. Gilliam encourages those in abusive relationships who can’t care for their  pets to consider leaving them at rescue centers. These organizations will do their best to reunite pets and owners when circumstances improve.

Gilliam also wanted Chewy’s owner to know that she made a brave decision to save him. “We also wanted to convey to Chewy’s mother that she did a heroic thing by rescuing him and that he is safe and will have a wonderful life.”

The post Lonely Dog Found at Airport with a Sad Note from the Person Who Left Them appeared first on Dallas Identity.

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