Pregnant woman swims past tourists, later people see a newborn baby pops up from the sea
There are plenty of fun things to do at the beach, but giving birth to a baby isn’t one of them. That didn’t seem to stop one mom from strolling right on Pastor Fellow beachgoers and swimming into the sea to give birth to her baby.
Extraordinary images seem to show this woman giving birth to a baby under the water of the Red Sea.
Allegedly, the mom was from Russia and was accompanied by the child’s father and the family doctor for the very natural birth at the resort town of dawn in Egypt.
Local media reports say that the town, which used to be a simple fishing village and is situated about 50 miles away from Sharm El Sheikh, has become a popular spot for seawater birds, with many moms to be believing that natural and water birds are beneficial for their babies and can help them to feel more relaxed during labour.
Despite the lack of scientific studies or proof. The images show the father and doctors standing by with a little plastic bucket to hold the placenta, and we can also see the umbilical cords still attached to the baby, too. It might seem surprising at first, but many users have commented on the beauty of the images.
No additional information was released regarding the sex of the baby, the names of the parents or any other details about what exactly was going on, but some media have suggested that the whole thing was misinterpreted. A report over on Lad Bible suggests that the woman wasn’t giving birth but had simply taken her newborn baby to the sea to bathe in the waters, leaving the placenta attached for the supposed health benefits it could provide.
The idea of leaving the placenta attached to the baby is an increasingly popular trend among parents that like the idea of natural births, and the method is known as a Lotus birth. For a Lotus birth, the cord and placenta are left attached to the child for about a week until they are naturally separate. It’s still unclear what exactly is going on with this family and their newborn baby,
Whatever happened that day, it must have been quite a sight for the other people at the beach to spot a brand new baby being carried around among the waves with its umbilical cords still attached. Let’s hope that the baby wasn’t harmed in any way and has been developing normally since these photos were taken. Please share this with your friends and family.
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